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Heartburn Siege

Basic Information About Heartburn

October 15 2015 , Written by Ellen Lavergne

Heartburn, sometimes known as acid reflux or acid indigestion. Yet, it does not impact your heart. When the excess stomach acid backs up into the esophagus, it irritates that area, causing discomfort.

The lower esophageal sphincter or LES is located at the intersection between the stomach and the esophagus. It opens to allow the flow of foods into the stomach, and then shuts it off. Unfortunately, when there is a malfunction of the LES, the stomach acid will splash back into the esophagus. And it will result in damage.

Heartburn takes place after a huge meal. It can take place when you lie down. If you are fortunate, it will disappear in a few minutes. If not, it can go on for hours. Don't be happy yet. It is not over entirely. It can recur if anxiety or poor eating routine is practiced.

Chronic heartburn is a major problem as the standard of living and productivity is decreased. It can progress to Barrett's esophagus which may turn into cancer. Thankfully, you can stop acid reflux with a variety of medical treatments.

The most common medication for acid reflux is antacids. It has aluminum salts, sodium bicarbonate, calcium carbonate or magnesium that neutralize the acid in the stomach. For best results, you ought to simply take antacids one hour after meals, or simply just before you feel the burning following a meal. Shortly after two hours, take another dose to rejuvenate the acid neutralizing ability in the stomach.

Taking a lot of antacids can leave you with unwanted effects for instance, bowel problems and diarrhea. Also, many antacids including Maalox, Mylanta and Tums induce the stomach to make more acid, resulting in acid reflux to take place again.

Although you can get relief from medications, but They can make you addicted to them and result in side effects. If your heartburn seldom develops, there is no need for them. Another alternative is to utilize natural treatments. It takes awhile since the whole process of trial and error is to identify the most effective remedy. I think it's well worth it eventually.

Basic Information About Heartburn
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I had acidity problem. I tried hashmi acikill capsule. It eliminated acidity and heartburn problem instantly. I love this product.
Great information indeed! I never heard about it. thanks for sharing this information and letting me know about it. Keep sharing article like this and spreading knowledge. Thanks once again.